Interviews in WP1 completed in Croatian schools

A picture of a teacher interview in WP1 in CroatiaCARNet’s eVET2Edu team has completed the interviews among the VET teachers in four Croatian VET schools. Although the sample is rather small, the conducted interviews were insightful and have provided the team with many useful indications regarding the use of ICT in Croatian schools. The teachers that were interviewed are often pioneers in their environment and have talked about the many benefits of the use of ICT in their instruction for their students.

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WP1: We are on the road!

One of the most important phases in a project is to stablish the scenario in where we are going to act.
For us, our scenario is the VET sector, specifically the teachers that we have in different countries teaching everyday in this environment.

The main goal to achieve in Work Packagge 1 in this project refers to understand the reality of each country regarding VET environment.
It is true that each country holds in itself a distinct and particular environment, but we believe that as Europeans we can find some common training needs to address our future course. Continue reading

Vytautas Magnus University team is proceeding with interviews

InterviewVytautas Magnus University (e)Vet2edu team is proceeding with interviews with practitioners of e-learning. It is very interesting to work on this activity and we feel that a lot of good ideas are coming to our report. The interviewers are very positive on e-learning and our project.  They are really waiting for the new e-learning course and there is no doubt for the need of such course in VET sector.

Talking to the VET teachers in Italy

In order to understand the national context of Vocational and Educational Training, Cesie involved educators from the North and South of Italy, who have been interviewed about their previous experience and good practices in the field of e-learning.

This information are very important in this first part of the project: research and need analysis, in order to reach the aims fixed.

Talking to the vocational trainers from Silesia

Sielsian region in the south of Poland is traditionally related to heavy industry: steel factories and mines are part and parcel of the environment. And they are also embedded in the educational landscape – schools and vocational training centres from the region train the specialists and workers for that particular industry branch.

The interview with vocational school teachers from that region using ICT in their teaching practice was really insightful. Blended learning that has been implemented on a large scale this September in the school is an excellent example of a purposeful use of ICT. However, the need for more collaborative, more interactive and engaging e-learning has been recognised and so perhaps apart from getting great information we can also recruit some trainers for our e-course as well.