Dissemination materials just arrived

For the dissemination activities small leaflet in a form of project business card was designed and printed. We have prepared it in all partners’ languages to maximase the scope of disseminating the project results. National versions of b-card will allow us to contact VET teachers and trainers on local events organised in partners countries for VET sector.

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The concept map of the course released!

Effective work during the first day of 2nd project meeting at University of Murcia brought about a map with draft structure of the online course that we are going to revise in next months. 

We have decided to add to our course three new modules:

  1. e-portfolio – this module will be horizontal one. We are going to incorporate e-portfolio process as a framework for the whole course. By this we mean evidence-based approach to design each module.
  2. designing and developing resources (focus on tools for development video/audio resourses, cartoons, infographics, posters, graphs, tools for publishing resources)
  3. re-using exisiting resources (focus on Open Educational Resources, Creative Commons, repositories and tools for searching and re-using resources) Continue reading