Workshops in Italy

Workshop in ItalyIn September 2014, three eVET2EDU workshops were held in Italy.

Two workshops took place in the Technical Institute for Transport and Logistics “Gioeni Trabia” of Palermo, where were involved about a hundred teachers and professors of the same institute. The Institute would like to include the eVET2EDU e-course into its Moodle Platform and the Director showed the interest to integrate the course as a refresher course for his teachers.

The third one was held at CESIE office with a smaller number of teachers and trainers from different schools and VET Institutions. The workshop focused on the practical and concrete aspects of e-course.

Piloting Report: Recommendations for improving the Course & the Handbook

We are presenting Piloting Report based on the feedbacks received from all actors involved during the piloting phase of the e-course VETel .

The Report analised the responses of the:

  • Course participants which evaluated the course
  • Facilitators of the Course which assessed the Handbook for the facilitator
  • External Evaluators which monitored the Course implementation Continue reading

VETeL in Italy – Work in progress!

 45 teachers signed up to participate in the testing of the Italian version of the e-learning course titled “VETeL”, 35 people started the course and 15 teachers are still active.

The teachers participating in the course are acquiring new didactic, pedagogical and technological skills, learning how to design an e-learning course for their students.

The course provides for an individual study, group activities and interaction between participants, teachers are currently dealing with Module 7, so most of the course has already been concluded. The Italian teachers who are keeping on participating are those who showed most interest in acquiring new skills/knowledge, sharing and dialoguing with others. Continue reading