Clustering projects at EDEN Conference

The projects are not created from vacuum, there is always need and joined idea that makes it possible to develop something together. So eVET2EDU has its predecessor – eVET READY, where with some of the current partners (CPI, CARNET, AGH-UST) we developed a self-evaluation tool for VET institutions to measure their readiness towards e-learning. The synergy between those two initiatives was shown during EDEN Annual Conference held this year in Oslo.

We had a poster on eVET Ready Self-evaluation Tool but it was natural that also our course for VET teachers and trainers was mentioned. The fact that the course is going to be open and availiable for institutions and individuals in 8 languages was in line with the general movement towards open education. And still the lack of OER for VET is a challange indicated by many practitioners attending this event.

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