Information about the course

Information about the course in English

  • Module 1: Introduction and warming up (2h 30 min): to master the platform in order to be able to participate comfortably, to get to know other participants and course facilitators, to plan their learning for the course.
  • Module 2: Developing competences (3h 30 min): to identify the competences you have as a teacher
  • Module 3: Exploring e-learning (4h): to observe various forms of e-learning in the context of VET.
  • Module 4: Designing e-tivities (6h): to gain the skills necessary for designing online activities for VET
  • Module 5: Motivation (5h 30 min): to learn how to increase motivation for online learning
  • Module 6: Group work (8h): to design an e-tivity for group work
  • Module 7: Moderation online forum discussion (7h): to gain the skills required for planning and facilitating online discussions and reacting to certain problems in the context of VET.
  • Module 8: Developing e-learning resources: (6h 30 min): to develop audio and video for VET
  • Module 9: Online resources – reusing, sharing and evaluating (4h 30 min): to gain skills in searching, selecting, re-using, sharing and  evaluating  online resources
  • Module 10: The role of the facilitator (2h 30 min): to gain skills in organising own work as a facilitator

Information about the course in other languages

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