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Uczelniana Platforma e-Learningowa - AGH

6.4. Reflection in VET context

Reflect on your experiences in Module 6 by writing them down (in max. 200 words) and publishing them in your competence table.

What is the experience you want to reflect upon:

Experience of group work. Using one or more tools for collaboration. Creating the list of tips on group work for facilitators collaboratively.  

Why is this experience important to me?

Did you find group work in this course beneficial as a learner? Was it beneficial for you as a vocational teacher? In what sense? What did you learn about yourself and others in terms of collaboration, and in particular online collaboration?

What am I going to do now?

Can you include group work in your (offline, blended or online) classroom to teach vocational subjects? What will it require from you as a facilitator? Could it bring additional benefits for your particular vocational field, which cannot be achieved through individual exercises?

Time for the task: 20 minutes.  

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