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Uczelniana Platforma e-Learningowa - AGH

4.4. Reflection in VET context

Reflect on your experiences in Module 4 by writing them down (in max. 200 words) and publishing them in your blog.

What is the experience you want to reflect upon:

e.g. designing learning outcomes, analysing learning outcomes, designing e-tivities, ensuring outcomes and e-tivities are in accordance with vocational context, analysing e-tivities

Why is this experience important to me?

e.g. will designing e-tivities change the way I teach my subject? what new opportunities do e-tivities bring to my classroom? can I use e-tivities to teach competences?

What am I going to do now?

e.g. can I use e-tivities I have designed in teaching my vocational area? how can I design more e-tivities for use in my instruction?

Time for the task: 20min

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