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Uczelniana Platforma e-Learningowa - AGH

4.2. Design individual e-tivity and publish on forum

Your task in this module is to design an e-tivity. As a result of Activities 4.1 you have already designed a learning outcome, results and listed learner actions.

Now it is time to design the rest of the e-tivity. Before starting, however, bear in mind that you are designing for vocational context and think whether there are any specificities of your vocational area that need to be taken into consideration when designing e-tivities? 

You can use this template for creating your own e-tivity.

  1. Read the comments about your work provided by the other participants and take them into account if you consider them useful.
  2. Remember the 5 crucial ingredients of e-tivity and the e-tivity table. Now create the same table and fill it in - this is for you as a designer to make sure that all the important elements of e-tivity are covered.
  3. Write down instructions for participants for your e-tivity (this is the text of activity such as the one you are reading right now).

You may find the following example useful in planning your own e-tivity:

Name of e-tivity E-workshop creating formula for a face cream
Learning outcomes

After this activity, students will be able to:

  • develop a recipe for face cream

  • use Padlet for publishing and sharing materials

  • use the forum as a place of information exchange

  • use Youtube for learning.
Results Creating a formula for a face cream for your skin type.
  1. Isn't it fantastic when we choose the ingredients of cosmetic preparations and know exactly what we are putting on our skin?

  2. If you create your own face cream, you will not be fooled by advertisements or pay too much for a preparation
Number of participants From 12 to 20 students.
Structure (what will happen in e-tivity)
  1. Defining outcomes and organisational issues

  2. Repetition of knowledge about emulsions, study of plant oils, study of the essential oils and hydrolats

  3. Providing references to additional literature

  4. Presenting basic principles of creating a recipe.

  5. Students creating their recipes.
Duration (the time that passes between the beginning and the end of an e-tivity) From 3 to 7 days.
Time for the facilitator (the amount of work hours which they have to invest) 4 hours for preparing materials and presentations, 2 hours to see the results. 
Facilitator's actions
  1. Preparation of materials for teaching and instruction.

  2. Looking for additional resources.

  3. Technical preparation of Padlet and preparation of instructions for use.

  4. Making presentations and upload.
Participant workload (the amount of work hours which they have to invest) 3 hours.
Participant’s actions (specific actions performed by a participant)
  1. Review of the presentation. (30 min)

  2. Creating and filling in the table. (10 min)

  3. Introduction to Padlet. (15 min)

  4. Writing on Padlet. (15 min)

  5. Creating a recipe for face cream. (10 min)

  6. Publishing of recipe on Padlet. (10 min)
Tool used in this e-tivity PowerPoint, YouTube, Excel, Padlet.
Methods and criteria of evaluation The process of evaluation is carried out through reviewing the posts with recipes published on Padlet. The task is finished when the recipe is properly designed. Interpersonal communication is encouraged through product comparisons.

Publish the table and the instructions for e-tivity on Discussion Forum of Module 4.

Time for the task: 2h  

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