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Uczelniana Platforma e-Learningowa - AGH

1.6. Plan ahead during the course

Share in the course forum what you are planning to change in your weekly schedule to find time for the four hours of study for the course. By this we mean workable ideas that will help you improve your organisation and ensure that you have enough time for the course. For example, I will get up one hour earlier, download the materials on the reader and read them on my way to work. The purpose of this exercise is to make a contract with yourself in which you yourself define the rules of work.

It will help if you:

  • familiarise yourself with the course schedule and mark all important dates in the calendar - check them against other appointments in your agenda to see if the upcoming days, or weeks, are going to be too busy, perhaps forcing you to cancel some of the planned activities,
  • plan ahead for the realisation of particular activities - use the Course Guide.

You can use the calendar available on the platform (adding the participants’ dates), online calendar (for example Google), your own paper agenda, or print the course schedule and add to it the additional dates and assignments.

Time for the task: approx. 15 minutes

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