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Uczelniana Platforma e-Learningowa - AGH

1.1. Fill in your profile and introduce yourself

Fill in your profile and publish a photo that will allow us to identify you.

Introduce yourself in the profile. Write about yourself and describe the specificity of vocational sector you are teaching. Each vocational sector is different by its nature and requires various pedagogical approaches. Reflect on your teaching practice and describe how you are meeting the demands of your vocational subject.

If you have experience in using technology in your private or professional life, please write about it  (which technologies, how do you use them and in which context). We are also curious about your expectations regarding this course. What would you like to learn?

We would like to know if you know how to use Moodle (if you have past experiences on this platform, for example), to help you in case you feel you need more information or tutorials about the virtual learning environment.

Don’t publish a photo of your cat, the view from your window or a cartoon character. They are not participants in this course.

The size of the files you add cannot exceed 16 MB.

Allow others to get to know you but you don’t need to leave your comfort zone. We don’t expect you to describe yourself in a way which intrudes your privacy.
You will find the link to your profile in the left panel of the course in the Navigation block- click on My profile - View profile. You will see the empty profile page. Click on edit my profile (lower right corner of the page) and enter the information you want to share.

Time for the task: 45 minutes 

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