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Uczelniana Platforma e-Learningowa - AGH

6.1. Group work: create a list of tips for the facilitator and prepare for a videoconference

In this task you will work together. In the beginning you will work in groups of five, into which you will be divided by the facilitator. After the activity is finished, each small group will share its results with the big group (all the participants) using a collaborative tool such as Google docs, Etherpad, wiki, Microsoft one drive etc.

Based on the experience, expectations, and knowledge of their members, each group has to prepare a list of “guidelines” or “key-points” that a facilitator has to take into account in a group work activity. For creating the list you can use the tool that you consider the most appropriate for your needs (e.g. google drive, mind mapping tool etc.) - decide as a group on one tool, but since time for the entire activity is limited, make sure you don’t spend too much time on just selecting the tool.

Don’t forget your own experiences even from this course, the observations from other facilitators you know, your expectations, desires, even needs from your experience as a student as well as a teacher. Think about what a facilitator or designer should know if they want to introduce elements of group work to the course. What elements of group work will the facilitator be absolutely responsible for and what elements can be delegated to the participants?

After having created this list of “guidelines” we will have a videconference (the whole group) in order to discuss some of your doubts, thoughts and reflections.

The discussion will be moderated. The meeting will be recorded (Link to VIDEOCONFERENCE).

If the date of the videoconference interferes with your other obligations and you definitely cannot participate in the meeting, it is your responsibility to watch the recording of the videoconference, participate in the discussion that follows on the course forum and read the summary. However, we strongly encourage everyone to treat this exercise as a priority. It is not only an important part of the course but also a chance to familiarise yourself further with videoconferencing as a tool and an e-learning technique. You can’t catch up later with this particular assignment.

Time for the task 2 hour 30 minutes the work in a small group (in order to create the list of “guidelines” or “key-points” that a facilitator had to take into account in a group work activity), 30 minutes the work in a big group (all the participants) using a tool like Google docs, Etherpad, wiki, Microsoft one drive etc.

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