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Uczelniana Platforma e-Learningowa - AGH

3.1. E-learning has many faces: analysis of the examples

According to the questions below analyse two proposed examples of e-learning courses. 

Write down your observations and submit your notes as an assignment on the platform (enter your text in the window which appears under the content of the activity, after clicking on the button "Edit my assignment"). You need to complete this activity to work on Activity 3.3. Take part in a videoconference.

Course to analyse:


You can find the following questions helpful during the analysis: 

  • Where is the course available?
  • Can you identify what the learner can learn during the course? Is it realistic taking into account the resources, time and activities/ assignments designed?
  • Is there a learning process that you can observe or the materials are rather loosely connected?
  • Can you identify any group processes designed? Is there any room for any human -human interaction?
  • Is there a role for a facilitator or the course is for the individual use? If there is no facilitator what implication does it have for the participant/user?
  • Do the exercises engage participants in active or passive participation (for example, reading texts and taking knowledge assessment tests as opposed to critically analysing texts and then publishing a post on the forum)?
  • What is the format of the resources? Are they easy accessible for you? Are there any particular technical requirements to participate in the course (eg. system, software, equipment)?
  • What is the form of the assignment? Is it online?
  • Is there any feedback that the participant gets during the course? If yes: what is it given on? What form does it have (human/automatic, descriptive/grade-scale)? Who do you get it from?

Time for the task: approx. 1h

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