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Uczelniana Platforma e-Learningowa - AGH

3.3. Participate in a videoconference: e-learning in your classroom

Your task is to participate in a videoconference.

The aim of this videoconference is to discuss ideas for using various e-learning forms analysed in Activity 3.1 in your classroom. Why would you use sth? Why not? During this videoconference we will build on your analysis of e-learning course examples in the context of the vocational subject you teach.

The discussion will be moderated. The meeting will be recorded; it is the programme’s default setting. During the videoconference you should have ready at hand your observations and reflections prepared in Activity 3.1 as they are the basis for this discussion. 


If the date of the videoconference interferes with your other obligations and you definitely cannot participate in the meeting, it is your responsibility to watch the recording of the videoconference, participate in the discussion that follows on the course forum and read the summary. However, we strongly encourage everyone to treat this exercise as a priority. It is not only an important part of the course but also a chance to familiarise yourself with a new tool and a new e-learning technique. You can’t catch up later with this particular assignment.

Time for the task: approx. 1h 30min

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