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Uczelniana Platforma e-Learningowa - AGH

Assessment and Certification

In order to pass the course and receive a certificate, you will be required to continuously record two elements:

  • the table of competences,
  • reflection on the topic of a given module.

From module 3 on, you will be asked to determine what competences you feel you have acquired and provide evidence from your activities for it. All the modules are designed to contain activities leading to the development of skills, acquisition and application of knowledge, rethinking and development of attitudes. In each module those elements will be identified for you so that you will need to select the evidence and match it with the listed competences. Later in the course you may also identify the competences yourself, so that your table of competences will be more personalised. 

Additionally, after each module we will ask you to reflect on the topic of the module from the perspective of VET and in the context of your own classroom and the vocational subject you teach.

You will record your reflection on Moodle blog and the table of competence on the blog in Moodle/ Google Documents and build them progressively as the course goes on. We recommend that you create the map of competences progressively and regularly, preferably after each module. At the end of the course you will have completed the map of your competences developed or improved during the course, as well as your ideas for application in vocational context, thus creating an electronic portfolio to illustrate your progress. Also, these elements will tell the facilitators whether the course objectives are being met and whether you work individually, cooperate with others and receive sufficient support.

We will assess you formatively, which means that we will not award grades or points, but follow your progress, completion of tasks and provide you with feedback.

Last modified: Thursday, 12 June 2014, 2:51 PM
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