WP1: We are on the road!

One of the most important phases in a project is to stablish the scenario in where we are going to act.
For us, our scenario is the VET sector, specifically the teachers that we have in different countries teaching everyday in this environment.

The main goal to achieve in Work Packagge 1 in this project refers to understand the reality of each country regarding VET environment.
It is true that each country holds in itself a distinct and particular environment, but we believe that as Europeans we can find some common training needs to address our future course.

To accomplish this objective are working on two major tasks:

  • INTERVIEWS: Each partner is conducting four interviews with teachers. Teachers with experience in e-learning, but experts who can help us understand the environment in which they move and ask what needs they see in the VET environment and technology.
  • GOOD PRACTICES: we are in the process of agreeing on some basic criteria for good practices. Once we have agreed that, the next step is that each partner has to look for interesting practices in the field of e-learning and technology in VET sector, as references for our future experience.

The whole process is working with the working environment (PIER) and google docs as a tool to discuss and agree on different things. Murcia team, as responsible of WP1 proposes the document and the process, and this is discussed by all the members for a period of time.

Each partner records the information in a Google-form that sends to Murcia team. Murcia team collects all information and experiences. In January we hope to show the first results of the same.

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